Three-car pileup whilst waiting in traffic…

I was involved in my first car accident as a driver last week. It was a bit of a shock, and I’m glad to say that no-one was hurt and the car wasn’t too badly damaged. I was in traffic, sat waiting behind a car that wanted to change into a very busy lane. The …

Dammit, I Failed Again

Right, so it’s been a while since my last regular blog post. I think it’s probably the worst I’ve done so far this year… although it wasn’t one of my new year’s resolutions, I’m happy that I’ve been able to keep it going for a little way (although more pictures would probably be better) – …

Man of Resolve

I know these are probably supposed to be announced at the New Year, but I’ve been a busy bunny. I also couldn’t think of any good ones till after the deadline (when I realised that these goals I set myself were proper resolutions, with full action plan and everything!) What I like about these resolutions …