IE9 Beta + VS2010, and a blog-reading tip

I’ve been experimenting with IE9 beta in work recently, and been finding it annoying when I go to show someone what I’ve been working on and need to refresh a page a couple of times after running it from Visual Studio 2010 before it ‘takes’, and will display the page and work properly. I’m getting …

Unimaginative film posters

I saw a poster on the side of a bus the other day, advertising the film London Boulevard. I thought it looked a bit familiar… It’s almost identical to the poster for Quantum of Solace. Man standing protectively in front of woman, looking in different directions, no background details, gun held casually by the side, …

Does anyone like spam?

I’ve just had to put CAPTCHA on the blog comments here, because of too much spam. The spam filters are fine, but there was just too much spam being added. Part of the problem was that BlogEngine.NET’s SQL provider deletes a post (!) before re-adding it, with every comment, all over again. So to add …

Family Trees and Logical Deduction

This last weekend, I got bit by the genealogy bug again. It started off as an investigation as to why my existing GEDCOM file didn’t work in a WPF demonstration app (Family.Show), and kept losing relationships. It turns out that the GEDCOM format requires a relationship (or FAM record) to specify the two people who …

Throw Away Your Television

I’ve not been a huge TV fan for a long time. So when I have to choose between paying around £150 or not watching television for a year, it’s a pretty easy choice to make. I like to have money in my pocket, and I don’t like watching television. I’m sick and tired of TV …