Work-Safe Stripping Models

First post on miniature wargaming! About time! I’ve noticed over the past year that this hobby is not designed for random searches on a work computer. More than once, I’ve been blocked by an internal filter from searching for sites that describe ‘paint stripping model acrylic’. It got worse when I tried to look for …

WPF for those who know WinForms

As a programmer, I am primarily self-taught. I’m at the stage now where some new technology articles I can read at the highest level and follow and understand, but others I am looking for the absolute most basic beginner’s guide around. I recently began a project in WPF to try and learn what it could …

I never realised this would become a political blog…

So, the British Nationalist Party managed to get on Question Time and almost the entire audience was wanting to ask questions about Nick Griffin’s nasty policies. I have to say that I think to anyone who sees the BNP as just another political party (whether or not they would actually vote for them), Griffin presented …

I can’t think of a good "battle-cache" pun

Today marks the 943rd anniversary of the Battle of Hastings, a very important battle in British history. For the foreigners, it’s the last time that foreign invaders have taken over the country. It was fought between William the Conqueror (or William the Bastard, to his own troops) of the Normans and Harold Godwinson of the …