Painting Update #1

Target: Wobbled at the beginning of the month but got on top of it. Focus: Got the first layer of armour on the Crystallans done, finished adding a slight highlight to the crystal to make it ‘pop’. Also played the Hellboy board game and got hit with inspiration, so started painting that box too. A …

Building a Painting Habit

Since the beginning of the year my workplace has been encouraging people to share… not resolutions, but to set a target for something to improve and share progress towards that target. Most of these were about fitness (running, cycling, etc) with some interesting projects (recording an album, interior mountaineering). One of the fun things I …

Hobby Progress February 2018

Necromunda: I’ve assembled and undercoated all of the gangers now, and I’ve kept some of the bulkier Goliath guns off to help me paint them later. I’ve even pre-shaded some of the gangers to see if that is useful for painting them; I’m working on a sample Goliath and Escher to test. Then I went …

Rebels Team Overview – Minsharan Militia

The planet Minshara’s first communication with the GCPS was an immediate surrender with no terms. They had heard of the Council of Seven’s reputation and decided that they could not even hope to resist a takeover, so positioned themselves to step peacefully into subjugation reasoning that there would be no need for heavy-handed restrictions or …

Hobby Progress January 2018

At the beginning of 2018, I got both Necromunda: Underhive and Dreadball 2.0 – with loads of miniatures each to paint. I also got a fancy airbrush after trying one out at a Siege Studios painting course. I really need to make good progress on some of the piles of unpainted toys I have in …

Sphyr Team Overview – Cetamere Centurions

The Cetamere system is unusual in that every planet has a large amount of water on the surface – the asteroids are mostly ice comets caught in the star’s gravity and even the moons of the planets are mostly water or ice. The Sphyr were invited to colonise the system to provide a ready workforce …

Tournaments and Painting Progress 2015

The dates for this years DreadBall tournaments have been announced – about a half-dozen Regional events around the country finished up with a National tournament in October, meaning a tournament season of around six months. As well as the Regional events this year, some tournaments can be “qualifying” events with the same nice trophies and …

Why So Zeerious?

I couldn’t come up with a backstory for the Zees. I had so many ideas for them, drawing from many sources including my love of genetics and the Planet of the Apes series. I came up with something long and complex with pointless detail and it wasn’t even entertaining for me (and as you’ve seen …

Zoatally Z’zorsome

Military psychologists have been experimenting for a number of years to find a way to condition Corporation soldiers for the challenge of fighting the Z’zor on distant planets. Many humans find it disconcerting, possibly due to the way they move, the noises they make, or the way they tap into the tiny, primal ape brain …

DreadBall Kickstarter Season Three

The DreadBall Kickstarter is nearly over… I’ve received my final parcel, I have a big pile of plastic to clean, assemble and paint and all that is left is the ‘Creating DreadBall’ digital book and the backer MVP rules. I’ve really enjoyed getting involved in the tournament ‘scene’ – I’ve taken part in four tournaments …