Hobby Progress January 2018

At the beginning of 2018, I got both Necromunda: Underhive and Dreadball 2.0 – with loads of miniatures each to paint. I also got a fancy airbrush after trying one out at a Siege Studios painting course. I really need to make good progress on some of the piles of unpainted toys I have in the house, and fill up the display cabinets I bought at the end of last year!

First off, I have cleaned almost all of the new DB2 models – only a few Yndij to go.

I’ve cleaned and primed all of the Necromunda doors and control boxes, as well as the priority marker. My plan is to pre-shade them (when I get some new white, as I’ve discovered both of my pots have dried up) and use Thunderhawk Blue (and heavy weathering) to make it look a bit like the old-fashioned cardboard terrain.WP_20180114_16_32_02_Pro

I’ve also primed the DB2 Matsudan and Cyborg teams, the refbot and ‘Eye in the Sky’ – as well as a few Captains for the earlier seasons, and cleaned up a couple more. I want to be able to get all of my painted teams at least updated to include their Captain.

Real painting, I finished off Reek Rolat to be a Captain for the Sordus Silage Scroungers and started painting the burly human fan and Xtreme Cheerleaders for DB.

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