I’ve not done ‘the meme thing’ since 2013… First of all, I had a bit of a blog break, and when I got back into it I just didn’t feel like answering all the questions there entirely truthfully. For a start, some of the questions were just a bit samey, and not much changed from year to year. I’m still not keeping up with new music, still not changed my style, etc… Other things, I have to keep confidential for important reasons.

So it feels less interesting than it could be. But, here I am, trying to get the blog back into a sort of shape. I did pretty well blogging every fortnight for a while. It was helped by a long train commute so there was plenty of time to put words in computers. Since I started a new job closer to home (and I travel by bus), that time has gone.

Still, I’m going to give blogging a go again, and in-between new posts I am trying to repair the old blog posts. More information on ‘what happened’ is going to come… soon.

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