This is impressive.
where i write my stuff
This is impressive.
According to, there are a whole range of special codes you can add to a folder name in Windows 7 to make a shortcut to a particular function. I’ve tried out the ones listed in the article, and here’s what they do:
{00C6D95F-329C-409a-81D7-C46C66EA7F33} – Set default location for devices such as GPS
{0142e4d0-fb7a-11dc-ba4a-000ffe7ab428} – Goes to control panel page for biometric devices, such as fingerprint readers
{025A5937-A6BE-4686-A844-36FE4BEC8B6D} – Goes to control panel for power plans (I do use this quite often, actually)
{05d7b0f4-2121-4eff-bf6b-ed3f69b894d9} – Settings for notification icons/area on the taskbar
{1206F5F1-0569-412C-8FEC-3204630DFB70} – Control panel page for Windows/Certificate/Generic credentials store
{15eae92e-f17a-4431-9f28-805e482dafd4} – Install a program from the network
{17cd9488-1228-4b2f-88ce-4298e93e0966} – Change default programs
{1D2680C9-0E2A-469d-B787-065558BC7D43} – Opens what appears to be the GAC
{1FA9085F-25A2-489B-85D4-86326EEDCD87} – Manage wireless networks
{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D} – Opens network for your Domain (browse computers in your domain)
{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} – Opens My Computer
{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} – Opens faxes and printers
{241D7C96-F8BF-4F85-B01F-E2B043341A4B} – Control Panel for ‘Connect to desktops and programs at your workplace’ – something for RDC and RemoteApp
{4026492F-2F69-46B8-B9BF-5654FC07E423} – Windows Firewall settings
{62D8ED13-C9D0-4CE8-A914-47DD628FB1B0} – This is just an empty, normal folder on my PC (Win7 Ultimate, x64)
{78F3955E-3B90-4184-BD14-5397C15F1EFC} – Rate and improve your computer’s performance
I only wish that the undocumented bits of Windows 7 were documented somewhere!
A whole bunch of my friends do this meme every year, and I admit I usually wait till they’ve all done it before I do mine. I don’t have a specific day I try to post it on, but I think now I have my own official ‘blog’ (with advance publish options) I’ll see if I can get it at least the same day two years in a row!
Did you enjoy this year?
Overall, yes. It’s had it’s ups and downs.
What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
I dialled 999, I rode in an ambulance, I spoke to a solicitor, I raised £200 for charity, I failed a driving test, I bought property, I put up a shelf.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Nope. I don’t think I went swimming once. As of this writing, I’ve not decided on any new resolutions.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
A few friends did! Willow, Sophie and Lily were all born this year.
Did anyone close to you die?
Nope! Another year safely passed.
What countries did you visit?
England? I don’t think I even got as far as Wales this year. I’ve been pretty immobile this year.
What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
My savings back! A driving licence would be nice, too.
What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
There are two dates for me – my birthday, when I was told we’d gotten the house and August 28th when we moved in.
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Buying the house at an awesome price! Slightly smaller, I completed Super Mario Galaxy and got all stars as both Mario and Luigi (that’s 242 stars, in total).
What was your biggest failure?
Failing my driving test. Not that big a failure, but it’s the biggest one I have. It even has ‘fail’ right there in the description.
Did you suffer illness or injury?
LOTS of illness. Too much illness. Even the suspected swine flu. Freddy had more than me though, and that was terrifying.
Did you have to go to the hospital?
Only for Freddy. People talked about drips, and he had oxygen overnight. Things were a little scary.
What was the best thing you bought?
A three bedroom house. Oh yeah.
It’d better be the best thing I bought, it’s certainly the most expensive thing!
Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Mine! I’m terrific!
Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
No-one really, pretty much everyone around me has behaved themselves this year. Go team!
Where did most of your money go?
See several points above – the house. The deposit alone is more than I’ve spent on anything else, but it means I own just over 10% of a real, actual brick house. This is still a little shocking to me.
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Freddy standing, singing, dancing, babbling, smiling, eating and learning to unwrap presents. Freddy coming out of hospital.
What song will always remind you of 2009?
I’m not sure there is a single song that reminds me of 2009 – all the songs I get stuck in my head at the moment are those that are played by plastic toys. Possibly Rage Against The Machine, for the Christmas controversy? I don’t know.
Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. Happier or sadder?
Much, much happier.
ii. richer or poorer?
Much, much poorer. Although property prices are on the rise, so my house is worth more than I spent on it! Hooray!
What do you wish you’d done more of?
I want to say driving, but it wouldn’t be truthful. I hate driving.
What do you wish you’d done less of?
I’m not sure. I think I did everything about right this year.
How did you spend Christmas?
At my parent’s house, with them, my Grandma and my sister, with Freddy opening presents. It was a lot of fun.
Where did you ring in 2009?
Well, I think we probably crashed into bed and were woken up throughout the night by Freddy. That was in the early ‘he has reflux’ stage, before we discovered it was caused by a milk intolerance.
What was your favourite TV programme?
We’ve been watching Babylon 5 on DVD, and as a new discovery Life on the BBC iPlayer.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Nope. I’m fairly content with the other humans on this planet.
What was the best book you read?
I didn’t read many new books this year. Possibly ‘All Quiet On the Western Front’ would get it, that was a very moving book.
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Being a media hermit as I am – no radio, no TV – I am quite isolated when it comes to new music. I don’t shop, so I can’t just pick something up to try it (and that’d be quite expensive anyway). I heard quite a bit of Mamas and Papas and ELO this year though, but neither I’d describe as ‘greatest musical discovery’.
What did you want and get?
All together now boys and girls – a house. And Freddy is well, we found the cause of his reflux.
What did you want and not get?
A driving licence. I’m very single minded.
How did you earn your keep?
I’m still a programmer. I’ve also sold off some of my old Warhammer 40,000 bits (Imperial Guard and Space Marines). Next year, maybe some of the fantasy models – Orcs and Goblins.
What was your favourite film of this year?
The only new films that I recall seeing are Star Trek and Surrogates – so Star Trek is the best one I saw in the cinema, certainly! Nothing else made an impact enough to remember.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was (looks at fingers) 25, and I had a Wetherspoons pub meal. Before the meal, I called an estate agent and put in a silly, low, let’s-open-negotiations offer on a house. During the meal, I was told that it was accepted. Then we went and got aniseed balls. For my birthday, I got a house and a bag of aniseed balls.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting more aniseed balls. And perhaps that driving licence. A slightly less offensive pay review would have been nice, too.
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
’You’re lucky I’m not naked.’
What kept you sane?
That’s a pretty big assumption to make. Sleepless nights spent comforting a screaming child, lasting months on end? Sleepless nights listening to an asthmatic child struggling to breathe, despite the hospital keep discharging us? Not seeing my friends as much as I’d like? Feeling quite unappreciated at work, and working long hours to counterbalance time off looking after a sick child? Yeah, I think we’ll skip this question this year and try again next time.
What political issue stirred you the most?
The BNP being on Question Time stirred me enough to make a post on here about it. The Christmas number one stirred me enough to buy RATM.
Who was the best new person you met?
I’ve met lots of new people in work, and they’re all pretty cool.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2009:
You can argue with doctors if they try and send you out of the hospital. As long as you argue politely.
Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
”Our house… in the middle of our street.”
I really love Stack Overflow. It’s so cool to have a link to many, many great coding minds to help with the minutiae of my learning process, whether through asking a question myself or finding that someone else asked something similar months ago.
The last question I asked was about public properties that should be read-only (usually List<T> or somesuch thing), but allow the user to add an item still. The answer was to use a class called ‘ReadOnlyCollection<T>’. This is one of many, many classes that I’ve never heard of but would be incredibly useful if I had!
When I get to the end of the first run of Wargame Tools, I’ll definitely be refactoring it (especially since I plan to port the logic to an ASP.NET MVC 2.0 application and see how those work) and will be sure to blog about this class and how I find using it.
Just a quick update today: Apple has gone up one point in my mind. One of my big problems with them has always been that iTunes, the ambassador to the Windows world, has only offered English (United States) as a language. Not just ‘English’ with a silent ‘whoops we thought this was English’ but ‘English (United States)’ as in ‘this is a specific language, and yours ain’t supported’.
Today, I installed iTunes just to get my iPod recognised (it comes off straight after, no fear!) and I realised that they finally had English (United Kingdom) offered on the installation.
Well done Apple, better late than never.
On a side note, I still dare some company to put English (England) on their languages list.
EDIT: That didn’t work. Now I have to uninstall all the additional junk Apple fills a computer with just for an MP3 player and software. MediaMonkey doesn’t do this. Nor does WinAmp. Still no solution.
My name is Pete, and I am a wargamer. I am also a programmer. As a programmer and huge geek, I look for ways to apply programming knowledge to my other hobbies. So it only makes sense that I would try to apply it to wargaming.
Over the years, I’ve seen, used and abandoned various ‘army list’ programs. My favourite for the longest time was Army Builder but their licence restrictions are just a little bit harsh for me – apparently, a recent ‘minor’ upgrade means that anyone without an active licence (mine ran out years ago) must buy a new one, and the datafiles are not compatible with previous versions. It sounds more like a major version change than a minor one to me, but that’s their call at the end of the day.
So I’ve decided to build my own, as daunting a task as it may be, and see if I can bring something I work on in my spare time to the web as a useful addition to the choices around in the world today. At the same time (and extending the possible release by an indeterminate amount) I decided to use this as an excuse to learn WPF and apply some more object-oriented concepts to my code.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks, as Army Builder has always worked with and Army Roster discovered this year, is that it’s not nice to just give away the intellectual property of games manufacturers. So there is a need to give people the tools they need to make the data files, with which to build the actual army lists. It’s also pretty difficult to take what amounts to a domain-specific language that your datafile program writes and your army list program understands, and present an easy, graphical way for your user to interact with it without getting them too deep into the technical sides of it. It needs to be accessible for non-programmers.
So far, I’ve been working away on it slowly, and through evenings and weekends when I can snatch a few minutes. I’ve found WPF and XAML to be very, very interesting to work with but there’s a bit of a learning curve to get over if (like me) you’re coming from a Windows Forms background. I will be putting up anything interesting that I’ve learned, or link to samples that have helped me, whenever I find something useful.
This film review is going to be heavy on spoilers. Move along if you’re not into that sort of thing. I will warn you to start with, I am a nit-picker of films. I will latch on to something and unravel it, and try and understand how the world of a film works. This often makes it look like I hate a film, or at least think too much. Sci-fi films set 10 minutes into the future are perfect for this – a lot of things can be assumed about the way the world works now with that one big difference.
To sum it up right here, I enjoyed this film. It’s a fun action flick, Bruce Willis is good as usual, and the style and appearance of everything in the film helps to sell the story. When people act as their surrogates, they are slightly off, but not entirely ‘uncanny valley’, if that’s even appropriate. The ‘cheaper models’ shown in the film are definitely sitting in the uncanny valley but everyone appears to have the equivalent of a Ferrari, as far as I could tell.
It does, however, suffer from a few rather wacky assumptions and simplifications. In no particular order:
Surrogate distribution
“Surrogate technology became cheap enough that 98% of the world’s population have surrogates.”
Really? 98%? Half the world can’t afford to feed itself, let alone buy a complex robotic device with two-way high speed permanently active (and highly reliable, since it’s their whole life being lived) broadband connection. By world, I think that they meant to say ‘Western world’ and quite possibly ‘USA’ only, since that’s all we see.
FBI Monitoring
It appears common knowledge in the film that the FBI watches through the eyes of every surrogate. Privacy advocates aren’t shown in the film, but I can imagine a vocal minority refusing to use surrogates (but also refusing to move to the primitive ‘low-tech’ reservations) simply because they don’t want the government – or anyone, for that matter – looking at whatever they look at, whenever they want to. I can’t say I’d be thrilled about it. I would also be fairly confident that the UK government would be a little wary of Americans watching what every British person is up to, and that’s a shadow of what the French would feel!
Military Applications
The moral and ethical problems of using disposable soldiers are quite huge – war would be won and lost on a financial basis. “Oh, we lost more surries? Best call up the factory.” There isn’t such a downside to declaring war, if all you need to do is send thousands of surrogates into your neighbour and shoot everything that moves. You don’t lose men, you only lose tax money – and since surrogates are so cheap, there’s not even a lot of that lost.
The other major military implication is that if surrogates are used to fight wars, why would they be exported from the country? Any of the more advanced models could be reverse-engineered to create the more basic (cheaper) military version, giving other countries equal footing on the military basis.
Are they Communist now?
The economic clue in the ‘cheap’ surrogates makes corporations seem less realistic. All surrogates are on the same network but not everybody in the world is on the same internet service. Likewise, if everyone can afford this extremely expensive piece of equipment (and the requisite maintenance, energy cost, etc) are iPhones treated like confetti? There’s obviously a demand for surrogates – a huge demand, since they apparently make things safer and solve society’s ills – so any capitalist corporation would sell for whatever they could get, especially in a market that seems devoid of competition.
In addition, inequality has been solved. Crime is much lower now everyone’s using surrogates. Surely, violence against surrogates will increase because the consequences are less severe? Early in the film, a surrogate is destroyed by a car and it’s written as ‘criminal damage’ (possibly vandalism, I don’t quite remember). A human would be classed as ‘hit-and-run’ or ‘attempted murder’. Perhaps that’s how crime is reduced… all crime is declassified.
I don’t remember exactly, but I believe the film is set 15-25 years in the future. And people seem to have become allergic to people, some even go as far as to call the real humans ‘meatbags’. The anxiety of being out without your surrogate and the slightly concerned, off-kilter reaction from surrogates to humans is good, but people using surrogates calling others ‘meatbags’ I just don’t understand. I can grudgingly admit that violence against humans would happen just for being without a surrogate, because people will find any excuse to hurt each other, but the actual revulsion shown is… well, stupid. Sooner or later their meatbag is going to have to meet someone else’s meatbag and mix their meat together to have a family. Maybe they put a bag over each other’s heads and make tiny motor noises.
Space in the future
Families might even be getting smaller in the future – buying a new surrogate when your kid grows out of theirs? Wow. That’s going to suck. Plus, since no more unprotected sex (unless your surrogate is really basic), the birth rate will drop dramatically. With people not getting out of the house, obesity will rise… And of course the surrogate control beds. They’re enormous! We have, I think, a good sized house for three people. We could easily squeeze another child, maybe two in here. But in the world of surrogates, we would need to convert the loft into a surrogate room or else lose our dining room to put up two of those beds. Any kids will have to move out young so they can have a place to put their own surrogate bed. Houses will need to be a lot bigger, and I don’t know that their price will come down in line with surrogate prices.
Taking these points into consideration, the end of the film makes things look very interesting. No surrogates connected to the FBI network… but every other country presumably still has theirs. Would military surrogates even be connected to the FBI? Perhaps. Are other countries military surrogates? Hell no! America is at war with someone, they’re almost definitely going to lose it now thanks to Bruce. Unfortunately, his brave new world of human connection doesn’t get past the fact that the world was apparently safer, with less crime, and there’s all this infrastructure set up to build, sell, modify and run surrogates just lying around… Plus the fact that the engineers know how to improve on the old system, and the dangerous terrorist leader leading the anti-surrogate movement is dead (and soon to be exposed as a surrogate himself). It’s not going to be too long before people slip back to their happy network beds and plug in again.
To summarise, the premise could have been a little more realistic or thought out (a lot of it just by cutting scenes showing military surrogates!) but it’s an interesting idea and a good plot overall.
On my own personal meter, I would watch this film again (probably with friends and beer) but I doubt I’ll actually get it on DVD.
First post on miniature wargaming! About time!
I’ve noticed over the past year that this hobby is not designed for random searches on a work computer. More than once, I’ve been blocked by an internal filter from searching for sites that describe ‘paint stripping model acrylic’. It got worse when I tried to look for ‘latex’ – I quickly clarified that with ‘model latex rubber’ and wished I hadn’t! These are, of course, perfectly innocent search terms to a wargamer but some overzealous web monitors don’t always get the context…
Unrelated to these searches, I came across A Year of Frugal Gaming last year. It is a one-man project to ‘spend less, game more’ and is extremely interesting – offering game reviews, money-saving tips, modelling projects on a budget and advice on how to make some money from your hobby too! One of the most useful tips was how to remove paint from plastic models… effectively, completely, quickly and without damaging the model.
The secret is Dettol antiseptic disinfectant.
I too, now, know the joy of wandering around a house in marigolds, holding a toothbrush and stinking of disinfectant. I have, in my collection, a lot of partially painted and poorly undercoated models from the mid-90’s, when I started collecting Dark Elves. I’ve been looking for a way to strip the paint from these models for a long time, so I can start again with the experience I’ve gained since then. There’s models undercoated white (a nuisance for an evil army to paint over), most of them done with car body spray rather than proper acrylic spray (it was cheaper back then…) and most effective paint-stripping techniques have a tendency to melt plastic.
What I’ve Learned While Dettol De-painting:
I was very pleasantly surprised by how well this works, and even my mother-in-law pitched in and brought me a bottle of Dettol last week. She explained that she wasn’t sure whether I wanted the original one, or the new purple one ‘that smells of lavender’. I briefly contemplated an elf army that smells of lavender, and as fitting as that may be I opted for the original in the end. There may be a missing market niche for thematically scented base inserts… anyone have any thoughts on that?
As a programmer, I am primarily self-taught. I’m at the stage now where some new technology articles I can read at the highest level and follow and understand, but others I am looking for the absolute most basic beginner’s guide around.
I recently began a project in WPF to try and learn what it could do – I find the best way to learn a new technology is to come up with an application for it and just go for it! The more complicated your application, the better, since it will force you to find more stumbling blocks, gaps in your knowledge, and interesting quirks. Of course, some things may just be a little too much to take on all at once (as I’ve discovered) and my first try was by no means going to be a releasable app! WPF was definitely in the category of ‘most basic beginner article please’ and although there are some beginner’s articles around, I just couldn’t get my head around what was going on.
I struggled for a while, then blamed it on the fact that WPF was really just very different to WinForms. It needn’t be – you can make a WPF app as if it were a Forms app – but to really use WPF to it’s potential, templates, styles, binding and the rest, there’s something very different about how to approach the problem. Accusing this of being my flaw (since a bad craftsman always blames his tools) I smashed in the relevant keywords to Bing and eventually crept upon jfo’s coding: Getting Started in WPF. The title of the document is “WPF for those who know WinForms” and it’s an excellent primer for… well… those who know WinForms to get their heads around WPF. There’s a lot of talk about the prototype and code names for what are now older versions of Visual Studio, but altogether it’s a good first resource. I just can’t seem to find any up-to-date blog from jfo, which is a shame given how helpful this document is!
So, the British Nationalist Party managed to get on Question Time and almost the entire audience was wanting to ask questions about Nick Griffin’s nasty policies.
I have to say that I think to anyone who sees the BNP as just another political party (whether or not they would actually vote for them), Griffin presented himself calmly (more so than the frustrated panellists disgusted at having to be near him) and said all the right things. Send back immigrants who commit crimes, etc etc. When the discussion moved onto someone else to talk about current immigration policy, they totally dropped the ball.
To people who shiver any time they hear about the BNP, they were exposed as frauds, liars and snakes who haven’t abandoned their wicked ways. But that requires that you already believe Griffin and the BNP to be inferior creatures – people who don’t are more likely to see them as an underdog after this, being almost the sole subject of scorn and derision.
My criticism of Question Time is that the show was not nearly long enough to really get to the bone of any of Griffin’s claims and lay them out in simple enough terms that he could not claim he was misquoted. Although that would have made it more of an inquisition, rather than a “meet the politicians” sort of thing. Since he managed to wriggle long enough on each specific accusation, they had to keep moving onto the next question and he wasn’t forced to actually say “Yes, when we talk about Ice Age Britons we know full well we’re ignoring the dozen different major cultural eras that took us from barely sentient cave-beings to the almost entirely sentient McDonald’s employee, we just use that as an excuse to hide our racist views.”
The thing I took away from the show about the BNP is that if they have changed (and I don’t believe that for an instant, just talking hypothetically) then they are still taking us as a culture backward. Ignoring the immigration issue, they want Christianity placed above other religions in this country. Although technically it is the state religion, we have moved far in that everyone gets a level ground, and everyone’s religion is equal. In the same vein, anyone not ‘obviously’ British would have to start proving it, even if their family has been here for more generations than most. And their view on homosexuality not being taught or talked about is just plain wrong. People are homosexual, bisexual, or whatever they are, and just because they’re not told about it when they’re young won’t change that fact. It’ll just cause more problems for them in their own personal life, and act as a stepping stone backwards to situations like Alan Turing, and the way he was treated by the government for being homosexual – despite inventing a code-breaking computer that contributed immensely to our efforts in the Second World War.
Basically, I think it shows that our culture has moved on to ignoring differences between people, and focussing on people themselves. The BNP would be taking us back to an “Us and Them” culture, where anyone like the party-in-power is Us and any minority is Them.
(disclaimer: this does not constitute my entire feeling on the BNP, which can easily be simulated yourself by ramming a fork into your eyes, but merely a few things I had to get off of my chest this week. Thank you.)